
Gild is a secure credit card product that stands out from the crowd with its unique rewards system. Rather than offering plain cashback or loyalty points, Gild's customers can earn real gold rewards with every purchase they make.

First, we had to address the common confusion around the product: Was it a fixed deposit (FD), a credit card, or a gold reward product? Secure card is not a term familiar to the average consumer, so simply using it for marketing would create more questions than excitement. Similarly, the term FD carries a negative connotation in the minds of new age consumers.

Our solution was to pitch Gild as a payment account that combines the liquidity of a FD with the reward potential that is better than a credit card. This way, users are encouraged to think twice before spending from their savings account or UPI account. Now they can benefit from increased liquidity and gold rewards with every purchase. It's an unbeatable combination.
